Репаки от elchupacabra

Spotify / / / (Repack & Portable)

Spotify (Repack & Portable) - это бесплатный потоковый плеер музыки, который вобрал в себя массу онлайн возможностей.

Spotify имеет громадный каталог музыки, поддерживаемый большинством музыкальных компаний, таких как EMI, Warner Music, Sony или Universal, и вы можете искать в каталоге при помощи встроенного хорошего поискового движка. Хотя, вы можете использовать Spotify и другим образом, просто слушая встроенное радио, в котором музыка разделена по жанрам и дате.

Создавайте и редактируйте списки воспроизведения, перемешивайте, циклически воспроизводите список композиций, приостанавливайте воспроизведение, просматривайте обложки проигрываемых альбомов, интегрируйте все это в Last.fm.

В заключение, хотя Spotify это плеер потоковой музыки, он также позволяет вам слушать музыкальные композиции сохраненные на вашем жестком или съемном дисках.

Особенности репака Spotify:

  1. Совмещённые в одном дистрибутиве установка программы или распаковка портативной версии
  2. Мультиязычный интерфейс (включая русский)
  3. Заблокирована баннерная и аудио реклама (amd64fox)
  4. Применены модификации (amd64fox)
  5. Отключена автозагрузка программы при старте системы
  6. Добавлен скрипт для очистки кэша Spotify (amd64fox)
  7. Возможность подхвата и автокопирования пользовательских настроек программы (файла prefs и папки Users), а также импорта настроек из settings.reg (если находится рядом с инсталлятором)

Spotify (Repack & Portable) - 78,6Mb (версия с классическим интерфейсом)

Скачать (turbobit) Зеркало (katfile) / Зеркало (freedl)
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Spotify (Repack & Portable) - 89,2Mb (последняя версия с поддержкой Windows 7 / 8.1)

Скачать (turbobit) Зеркало (katfile) / Зеркало (freedl)
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Spotify (Repack & Portable)100,3Mb (последняя версия с поддержкой 32-bit)

Скачать (turbobit) Зеркало (katfile) / Зеркало (fpayout) Зеркало (freedl)
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Spotify (Repack & Portable)109,0Mb (Windows 10/11 64-bit)

Скачать (turbobit) Зеркало (katfile) / Зеркало (fpayout) Зеркало (freedl)
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Системные требования:  Windows 10/11

GIF-инструкции (образцы) по загрузке с сервисов: "Turbobit", "Katfile", "FreeDl", "DailyUploads", "UpFiles", "Uploadrar".

ВНИМАНИЕ!!! Все репаки публикуются ТОЛЬКО в zip-архивах (редко в rar и 7z)!
Если вы загрузили небольшой EXE-файл, это рекламный загрузчик, а НЕ репак!
Архивы с репаками НЕ защищены паролями!!! Если архив с репаком запрашивает пароль, в нём НЕ репак!

Прямые ссылки на загрузку (KrakenFiles / Яндекс Диск) доступны только для группы "Меценат" (Что такое Premium?).


Посетители, находящиеся в группе Гости, не могут оставлять комментарии к данной публикации.

Комментариев: 231

    1. mikeypr
       Автор: mikeypr
      22.02.2023 12:10  
      Thank You.
      This version is fine, it is not being flagged asa virus.
      Great Work
    2. mikeypr
       Автор: mikeypr
      2.02.2023 15:42  
      I have installed Spotify and a .DLL file keeps getting flagged up by Kaspersky.
      I am guessing it is a false possitive, and have tried to add it to exclusions, but everytime Iaunce it, it is flagged again.
      I am at a loss.
      I have tried excluding the whole path with subfolders, and just the file.

      Nothing helps

      Any help appriciated.
      1. LR.Support
          Главные редакторы
         Автор: LR.Support
        2.02.2023 17:43  
        1. If you can't "tame" your antivirus, consider replacing it.
        2, Kaspersky, as usual, was able to "distinguish itself" by seeing a threat where it does not exist and where others don't see it
        3. dpapi.dll - an important file that disables Spotify ads
        4. Wait for the new version of the repack with the new dpapi.dll
        1.   Гости
           Автор: ZOBRY1996
          6.02.2023 02:10  
          ummm.. actually Kaspersky does distinguish itself by picking what other AVs usually miss, when set to ignore PUPs it allows tons of cracks and keygens no problem, but while IGNORING PUPs and still says something is off it means there's actually something, be it a harmless adware or a sneaky cryptominer and keylogger designed specifically to monitor google logins, like the previous version (v. INSTALLER for example, not just the dpapi.dll.

          The detection page in virustotal doesen't concern me at all, I check the BEHAVIOR tab, which is a behvaioral analysis of the executable attached, it showed clearly that the version installer impacts the system by cryptomining, this cannot be a false positive because cryptominers are very unique unlike the million types of generic cracks or patches.

          sadly I've deleted the previous version before installation after checking VT behavioral analysis, I wish still have it to prove it right to you.
          but I might be delusional, provide the link to version WITH THE EXACT SAME UPLOAD DATE and let's see.

          So excuse me bro, with all due respect.. this is a very bad move from your side or whoever uploaded the previous version, I use a lot of softwares from this site without any problem, so trust me when I say that something foul was at play here.
          1. LR.Support
              Главные редакторы
             Автор: LR.Support
            6.02.2023 05:55  
            1. I see no reason to prove something to a teenager who imagines himself to be a virus specialist. Which does not consider the VirusTotal service as an argument. But on the other hand, he completely trusts a separate and dubious (in my opinion) product.
            2. I have no confidence either in the mentioned antivirus or in the entire industry as a whole. This is a commercial scam. My over 25 years of experience with computers that the best antivirus is the brain.
            3. But there is much more trust in the popular project on GitHub (the source of anti-adware dpapi.dll).
            4. Unreasoned statements in the style of "and my antivirus ..." on warez resources are considered at least bad form, and more often prohibited. If you have any doubts or prejudices, I strongly recommend that you forget the address of this site.
            1.   Гости
               Автор: ZOBRY1996
              7.02.2023 04:32  
              I'm not sure who's the teenager here but that's okay :)
              I do think you have a strong reason to prove annoying people like me are wrong, I can sit and write for days why is that important, but let's keep it short since you already know exactly and even better than me why reputation is crucial to piracy platforms. $$ podmig $$

              bro, I don't even use Kaspersky or any antivirus since I only use virtual machines, I tested a lot of them out of curiosity and turned out that kasper has the least false positives, why do you blame me for that? smiles I don't and will not use it anyway, I just replied to you saying
              Kaspersky, as usual, was able to "distinguish itself" by seeing a threat where it does not exist

              I'm not and I don't claim to be a virus specialist, so, I consult the specialists. I didn't do my own analysis (because,ehem, I'm not a virus specialist) I wrote what the specialists found, is that a wrong approach?

              VirusTotal is an argument, bro my whole argument is based on VirusTotal ! I only said "detection" is not what it matter the most, 90 detections out of 100 doesn't matter if it's a harmless crack. I said what really matters is the specialists analysis, and you can find that if you clicked on "behavior" after the detection results appear.
              ike this for example https://preview.tinyurl.com/yc4y6dsu
              ,,,only 1 detection, but

              this is why behavioral analysis is crucial. camera and clipboard access is not justified unless the developer is looking for copied passwords and a way to get the real identity of the victim.
              ==this wasn't uploaded by you, this is only a random example==

              i'm not an expert but at least I know Mitre Signatures, IDS and Sigma rules analysis are superior to hash scan.
              THEY said there's a cryptominer and a keylogger specific to google logins in your previous release, NOT ME!
              people here and everywhere complain about false positives all the time and seems accepted by you, but when I'm referring to experts analysis now you say this is
              Unreasoned statements
              " and
              considered at least bad form, and more often prohibited

              and by the way the best antivirus is not yOuR bRaiN xoxoxoxo. your brain can't see XOR encrypted data inside an exe with a shiny icon from a "tRuStEd" uploader lol
              the best antivirus is an updated antivirus with very large and good database and zero false positives, when somebody develop it please notify me.

              If you have any doubts or prejudices

              of course I do and should do, when the brain becomes an antivirus it will warn you about exes from people you don't personally know. and yes I'm prejudiced about this website but in a good way, it is my favorite and most used site. you decided to take advantage of that trust, and thinking when you make fun of anyone has REASONED suspicions you can fool your way through it. no you won't smiles

              anyway, I think the language barrier may caused some misunderstanding of my previous comment, maybe you use a translator or maybe not, so please, you and everybody, pardon my long elaboration.
              it's always good to explain rather than belittling everybody.
    3. Senator
       Автор: Senator
      1.02.2023 14:36  
      На самом деле лучше купить премиум и не заморачиваться. Кому как удобно
      1. Javadkh83
         Автор: Javadkh83
        1.02.2023 15:46  
        Я всегда предпочитаю мод-версию премиум-версии, потому что не хочу платить за прослушивание музыки.
    4. bearheaven
       Автор: bearheaven
      15.01.2023 06:10  
      Dear admin,
      I have used the spotify desktop app several weeks till Spotify version: without problems, but yesterday evening when listerning to music it stop streaming. I try to login back to my free account without problems but cannot stream music as well as the website version. I got block my Spotify for listerning to music.
      When will the new update come with the cure for the repack.

      1. LR.Support
          Главные редакторы
         Автор: LR.Support
        15.01.2023 11:32  
        I didn't have the opportunity to check version But the version posted today worked during the test for about an hour without problems.
      2.   Гости
         Автор: exDarkest
        21.01.2023 11:12  
        I had the same problem with Spotify version: But, after installing new version ( the problem disappeared.
    5.   Гости
       Автор: big_baobab
      3.01.2023 19:16  
      Спасибо за проделанную работу.
    6.   Гости
       Автор: aliahsan0685
      21.12.2022 10:55  
      thanks for everything
    7.   Гости
       Автор: uhuh
      20.12.2022 13:08  
      Its a exciting news for me!
    8. Javadkh83
       Автор: Javadkh83
      19.12.2022 00:43  
      Ну наконец то! благодарю вас!
    9.   Гости
       Автор: CESAR
      12.12.2022 20:59  
    10. mikeypr
       Автор: mikeypr
      7.12.2022 18:57  
    11. Javadkh83
       Автор: Javadkh83
      4.12.2022 19:23
    12. Javadkh83
       Автор: Javadkh83
      30.11.2022 18:49  